Bonnie & Clyde's Trail - This Rock Wall On Built In One Day!

As you will see below we had a very productive session:

This rock wall was built in this one session with thirteen (13) volunteers. This photo was taken at the end of the session so unfortunately not everyone was still there. Our goal was to take a problem corner on Bonnie and Clyde's and make it our best. We are about half way there; we will finish it at our next session which will be on Saturday (9/27).

In the next photo (below) Caroline Sandbo is filling buckets with material used to backfill behind the wall. Caroline is a freshman at Burlington-Edison High School, and is part of a new United Way program. It is referred to as Youth United, and gives young people an opportunity letter in volunteering. We think this is great program and have confidence it will help with our youth outreach. For more information please click on:

And in this last photo you'll see a first for us, dessert after lunch. Art Tuftee and Whidbey Island Ice Cream Company ( teamed up to provide a real treat. Below you'll see our volunteers enjoying their ice cream bars, and yes - they are REALLY GOOD!