Our Trail Builders are currently in need of more help with work on the new Nature Trail that will include a wooden bridge that spans a natural wetland area. The bridge will look very similar to this one built by Art Tuftee.
Normally our work sessions are the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of each month. However, we are limited on time by a wetland permit this summer and there is so much work to be done that we are also calling for volunteers on the Friday before those Saturday work parties. If you or anyone you know can volunteer on the 2nd or 4th Fridays and Saturdays of May, June, July, and August we would very much appreciate your help.
Here is our current bridge building plan, put together by Jerry Granahan.
If you are interested in volunteering please contact Jerry Granahan and tell him which days you are interested in helping. It will help with our planning to know how many volunteers we have ahead of time. Thank you.